Member-only story
Cooperative video games we love
I have always enjoyed playing video games, and over the years I’ve gotten my spouse (and now our daughter) to play games together too. Before we had our daughter, my spouse and I played World of Warcraft (Wrath of the Lich King) together, and we had a ton of fun! We were in a casual guild with many couples, and raiding Icecrown Citadel (ICC) was fun because of the challenge, and also because of everyone in the guild. I view our time in the World of Warcraft as playing a cooperative game, since we played with other people in Player-versus-Environment (PvE) challenges.
I clearly recall one night in ICC, we were waiting near a group of trash mobs (i.e., enemies we had to clear before the bosses), and taking a short break. Suddenly, one of my guild members started inching forward, a little bit at a time. Finally, he got close enough to the trash mobs that he attracted them to himself, and by extension, the rest of the party. We were killed by those mobs, since most of us were still away on our breaks. When we gathered our wits again, the guild member explained that his kid had gotten onto his lap, and was mashing the keyboard, causing his character to move forward. All of us found the incident hilarious, and we would subsequently ask him if his kid was at the keyboard whenever we saw his character inching forward.